Al momento stai visualizzando EABCT Congress 2024

EABCT Congress 2024

Cari amici
le prime dead line per il congresso di Belgrado stanno per avvicinarsi…..
A seguire alcune righe di accompagnamento della presidente dell’EABCT , Katy Grazebrook, rivolte a tutte le associazioni europee.

Scarica il flyer

Un caro saluto
Antonio Pinto

It is really important that we have congresses in Southern and Eastern Europe to meet our objective of promoting evidence based CBT research and practice across Europe. We need to develop and encourage researchers and clinicians to fight the fight for CBT and for the benefit of patients. To be enthused by an EABCT congress is a great way to do this.

Don’t let your members be shy, encourage them to submit their abstracts!
Best wishes

We are excited to announce that the EABCT2024 congress Instagram page is up and running!

We kindly ask you to share congress instagram page and this facebook post on your pages and profiles